Webinar On Energy Conservation Opportunities in Compressed Air System

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) under SMEDA-UNIDO Energy Desk is pleased to announce the titled webinar. The webinar has been designed to brief the participants regarding Energy Conservation opportunities in Compressed Air System.      Webinar Contents Introduction to Energy Conservation A typical Compressed Air System Why conserve energy in Compressed Air System How...

Webinar on “Use of AI & IOTs in Renewable Energy and Manufacturing Industries”

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) under SMEDA-UNIDO Energy Desk is pleased to announce the titled webinar. The webinar has been designed to brief the participants regarding upcoming concepts of AI & IOT and their use particularly in the Manufacturing Industries and Renewable Energy. Webinar Contents Introduction of AI and IoT Introduction of Machine...

Webinar on “Energy Expert – A Promising Career For Women”

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) under SMEDA-UNIDO Energy Desk is pleased to announce the titled webinar. The webinar has been specially designed for women who wants to pursue career or already working in the field of Energy Conservation as Energy Auditor / Manager.   Webinar Contents Why women to opt work in Energy...

Webinar on “Net Metering in Pakistan; Requirements, Process, Benefits & Hurdles”

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) under SMEDA-UNIDO Energy Desk is pleased to announce the titled webinar. The webinar has been designed to brief the participants regarding Net Metering in Pakistan; Requirements, Process, Benefits & Hurdles.  Webinar Contents Introduction to Solar On Grid Systems Net Metering Facility Process & Requirements for Net Metering Process...

Webinar on “Energy Monitoring & Conservation Measures in Industrial Sector”

SMEDA Head Office Lahore

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) under SMEDA-UNIDO Energy Desk is pleased to announce the titled webinar. The webinar has been designed to brief the participants regarding “Energy Monitoring and Conservation Measures in Industrial Sector”.          Webinar Contents Introduction to Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Introduction to Energy Management System Energy Performance Monitoring Energy...

Webinar on “Municipal Solid Waste – A Renewable Energy Source”

SMEDA Head Office Lahore

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) under SMEDA-UNIDO Energy Desk is pleased to announce the titled webinar. The webinar has been designed to brief the participants regarding Municipal Solid Waste, A Renewable Energy Source.            Webinar Contents What is Waste? Overview of Municipal Solid Waste in Pakistan Types of treatment technologies Comparative analysis (Case...

Webinar on EnMS ISO 50001

SMEDA Head Office Lahore

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) under SMEDA-UNIDO Energy Desk with the collaboration of U.S-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCASE), NUST is pleased to announce the titled webinar “EnMS ISO 50001”. Webinar Contents The webinar has been designed to brief the participants regarding introduction and implementation of EnMS ISO 50001.  Who Should...

Webinar on Basics of Fire Safety for Industries

SMEDA Head Office Lahore

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) under SMEDA-UNIDO Energy Desk is pleased to announce the titled webinar. The webinar has been designed to brief the participants regarding Basics of Fire Safety for Industries. Webinar Contents Fire Prevention Fire Protection Fire Evacuation Who Should Attend? SME Owners, Technical Directors, Maintenance Managers, Utility Managers, Energy Managers,...

Webinar on Solar Thermal and its Applications for Industries

SMEDA Head Office Lahore

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) under SMEDA-UNIDO Energy Desk with the collaboration of U.S-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCASE), NUST is pleased to announce the titled webinar “Solar Thermal and Its Applications for Industries”.   Webinar Contents   The webinar has been designed to brief the participants about the utilization of...

Webinar on Net Metering Requirements and Procedure in Pakistan

SMEDA Head Office Lahore

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) under SMEDA-UNIDO Energy Desk with the collaboration of U.S-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCASE), NUST is pleased to announce the titled webinar “Net Metering Requirements and Procedures in Pakistan”. Webinar Contents The webinar has been designed to brief the participants regarding Net Metering Requirements, Process, Benefits...

Online Solar Help Desk

SMEDA Head Office Lahore

Online Solar Help Desk by SMEDA-UNIDO Energy Desk Link:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89936193857?pwd=S3JTMG5CMnc0SG5JQnR4c1VMb25yUT09 Meeting ID: 899 3619 3857 Passcode: 246516 Date : 5th  September 2022 , 11:00 am to 1:00 pm   For Further Information : Mr. Haroon Shaukat RE Officer 042-111-111-456 Ext 379

Online Solar Help Desk

SMEDA Head Office Lahore

Online Solar Help Desk by SMEDA-UNIDO Energy Desk Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84121818310?pwd=UmJhQlBRalVUWXF4Rkp6R0lrVlF5UT09 Meeting ID: 841 2181 8310 Passcode: 216273 Date : 12th  September 2022 , 11:00 am to 1:00 pm   For Further Information: Mr. Haroon Shaukat RE Officer 042-111-111-456 Ext 379